M.I.T. lecture notes
Courses I would like to check in the future
Obviously, I am not an undergrad @MIT. The numbering has to do with the science field and maybe the department involved, but since these do not really matter to me, I have listed them here in my own grouping.
18.02 - Auroux’s Multivariable Calculus- I loved these lectures, and learnt a lot through them. They are listed here because I did not finish them, and since they are entertaining, I’d like to do that some time in the future.
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18.03 - Differential Equations[-]
18.06 - Strang’s Linear Algebra- To be frank I think I have not seen just a lecture or two, but I feel it is by far the best resource to study LA from, and I would really like to gain a better understanding of the subject at hand by going through Strang’s book and exercises at the same time.
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