6.006 Lec 6: Binary Trees Part I

Table of Contents

Lecture details

Trees, the ultimate data structure

From the data structures that we have seen so far in this course, one can make the case that we have no data structure to rule them all. They all perform reasonably well under certain circumstances, and under certain sets of input but their overall performance is, at times, not optimal. Take hash tables for an example. They are useful when find(k) and insert(x) are often used, but absolutely ridiculous when we also want to find_next(),find_previous()


Since binary trees are a linked-based data structure, utilizing pointers, much of the terminology is know from our experience with Linked Lists:

  • Nodes
  • Links

Tree specific attributes

  • Leaf Leaves are the nodes that have no children ( because they are the items at the end of the data structure, just like the leaves in a normal tree)
  • parent Pointer to the parent node
  • left Pointer to the left child node
  • right Pointer to the right child node

Node characteristics

  • subtree(X) = X and its defendants so if X is the root node, then the subtree is the whole node
  • depth(X) Number of ancestors or, equally, edges in path from node X to root
  • height(X) Number of edges in the longest downward path, max depth of a node in subtree(X)
    • height(X)= max(left.height,right.height)+1
    • height(tree) = height(root Node)

Today’s analysis

We focus on getting to a point where tree operations perform in \(O(h)\), with h being height of the tree. Then in the next lecture, we will show that if the tree is balanced then: \(O(h)=O(\lg{n})\)

Working with an example

To further clarify the properties we talked about above before we continue:

property value\node A B C D E F
item A B C D E F
parent / A A B B D
left B D / F / /
right C E / / / /

Traversal order

The traversal order ( as explained in this course ), is the inorder traversal. More specifically, the nodes in a tree are recursively iterated in this order:

for every node X Nodes in .left before X, in .right after X

Thus, the traversal order in the example tree is \(FDBEAC\)

Theoritically, what follows could be a legitimate function

void traverseSubtreeWithRootX(Node X)
    if ( X.left != null )
    if ( X.right != null )


  • subtree_first(Node X) return the leftmost node in the subtree of X ( in our example that would be \(F\) )
  • successor(Node X) return the next node in traversal order
    • if node.right: subtree_first(X.right)
    • else walk up until we go up a left branch node.parent.left == node
  • predecessor(Node X) return the previous node in traversal order
    • Directly linked to successor(X)
  • subtree_insert_after(Node X, Node new)
    • if no X.right: put the new node there
    • else successor.subtree_first().left
  • subtree_insert_before(...)
    • In a similar fashion to the previous fashion
    • if no X.left: put the new node there
  • subtree_delete(node)1
    • if it is a leaf, simply delete it and delete the pointer in parent
    • else if node.left: 2
      1. swap node.item with predecessor(node).item No need to change the nodes themselves
      2. subtree_delete(predecessor(node))
    • else if node.right
      1. swap node.item with successor(node).item
      2. subtree_delete(successor(node))

        Performance\Function subtreefirst() successor() subtreeinsertafter() subtreedelete()
        Binary Tree O(h) O(h) O(h) O(h)

Trees and sets

We have outlined our binary tree’s functions, but we do not know yet, where they could be useful. The set interface, with which we have worked in previous lectures can be implemented with a tree!

More specifically, due to the fact that binary trees have the binary search tree property3, we can ensure that find(k) performs in \(O(h)\), with insertion, deletion in \(O(h)\) as well.

Trees and sequences

The sequence interface can also be effectively implemented by a binary tree. In that case the sequence order will match the tree’s traversal order. However, we do not know yet how to implement one of the core sequence functions: subtree_at(i), to get the item in the \(i^{th}\) position.

Of course, we could iterate through the tree, and when we reach that position return that item, but this algorithm runs in \(O(n)\) and obviously is not efficient. What can we do to solve it?

We will ues the size property of the subtree. In that case the algorithm is:

  1. Get the size \(n_{l}\) of the left subtree
  2. if \(i
  3. else if \(i>n_l\), then i-=nl+1 and recurse on the right subtree
  4. else you have \(i=n_l\) and you have found your node

Let’s check the performance of this last algorithm. If size can be computed in constant time then the algorithm runs in \(O(h)\)!

Data Structure Augmentation

By adding a size property in each node, since size is a subtree property:

node.size = left.size + right.size + 1

We only add a \(O(h)\) operation for maintainance (when adding or removing a node one should update the size for all ancestors) in return for constant time in the size operation.


set data structure build() find() insert/delete find min/max find prev/next
Binary Search Tree O(nlogn) O(h) O(h) O(h) O(h)
sequence data structure build() getat(),setat() insert/delete first inset/delete last insert/delete at
Binary Tree O(n) h h h h



Are they actually linked to rotateLeft(X), rotateRight(X)?


We do not care about balance right now.


Every key in left subtree \(\leq\) node.key \(\leq\) every key in right subtree

Originally created on 2022-02-19 Sat 00:00