6.006 Lec 5: Linear Sorting

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Lecture details:


This lecture seemed full of gaps to me. Only through the lecture and rescitation notes did I understand the topics discussed.


In lecture 3, we discussed sorting algorithms based on the comparison model. We saw however, that using similar-to-hash functions we can move from the comparison to the word RAM model and take advantage of \(O(1)\) access.


In the comparison model, the find(k) operation has \(n+1\) possible output items while the sort() function has \(n!\) possible outputs, the \(n!\) permutations of the array, some of which will be sorted.

If we followed the decision tree approach, with the number of leaves for the sorting operation being \(n!\), there would be a need of \(O(\lg{n!})\) operations. Building on that1

\begin{align} n! = n * n-1 * n-2 * \cdots >= n^{n/2}\\ O(\lg{n!}) \to \Omega(n\lg{n}) \end{align}

Direct Access Array Sort

Instantiante a big access array and store every item x in the x.key slot. Then walk down the array (iterate through it), returning the items in their existing order.

With the requirement that each key is unique we have:

<type>[] directAccessSort(<type>[] inputArray)
   // Find the maximum key value
   int maxKey = inputArray[0].key;
   for ( int l = 1; l < inputArray.length; l++ ) // compute max key in O(n)
       maxKey = max(maxKey, inputArray[l].key);

   <type>[] tempArray = new <type>[u];
   for ( int l = 0; l < inputArray.length; l++ ) // O(n), again
       // Move each x to output[x.key]
       // collisions can not occur since input keys are unique
       tempArray[inputArray[l].key] = inputArray[l];

   // Now, create the array to be returned (size n), and fill it with
   // the items in sorted order
   <type>[] outputArray = new <type>[n];
   for ( int l = 0,i = 0; l < u; l++) // O(u)
       if ( tempArray[l] != null )
           outputArray[i++] = tempArray[l];

   return outputArray;

It is obvious that the complexity of this algorithm is \(O(n+u)\), which means that, the running time can be \(O(n)\) if \(u = O(n)\), however, it can also become \(O(n^{1232})\), if \(u\) is in that range and we can not allow that to happen.

Tuple sort

What if we split the key values though?

This way we can associate each item with a tuple of constant length2, and sort the entries lexicographically, sorting for each key from the least to the most significant one. The algorithm must be stable.

From here on we assume that the tuples are of length two. It is not necessary Write every item as tuples, using divmod(), with each key in the form of (a,b):

a,b = divmod(k,n)

In this algorithm we repeatedly sort the array, sorting first by the least significant number and then moving on to the more significant one. Here is where stable sorting algorithms come into play: If the stable algorithm can not differentiate between two items, the order that the items have in input is kept.

Counting sort

In this stable algorithm, given an array \(A\) we put every item in \(x\in A\) in a dynamic structure at B[x.key]. Then we iterate through \(B\), returning the items in a FIFO order.

def counting_sort(A):
    "Sort A assuming items have non-negative keys"
    u = 1 + max([x.key for x in A])      # O(n) find maximum key
    B = [[] for i in range(u)]           # O(u) direct access array of chains
    for x in A:                         # O(n) insert into chain at x.key
        B[x.key].append(x)              # O(1), insertion at end
    i = 0
    for chain in B:                     # O(u) read out items in order
        for x in chain:
            A[i] = x
            i += 1

Why is that faster?

Even though it does not look much different to DAA Sort, counting sort handles collisions, meaning that we have now no problem dealing with sets containing duplicate keys.

This is critical, because it enables the idea behind tuple sort to come into reality using repeated calls to the counting_sort(A) function. That implementation of tuple sort is called:

Radix Sort

def radix_sort(A):
    "Sort A assuming items have non-negative keys"
    n = len(A)
    u = 1 + max([x.key for x in A])                         # O(n) find maximum key
    c = 1 + (u.bit_length() // n.bit_length())              # u = O(n^c), calculate c
    class Obj: pass
    D = [Obj() for a in A]                                  #O(n) initiate objects
    for i in range(n):                                      # O(nc) make digit tuples
        D[i].digits = []
        D[i].item = A[i]
        high = A[i].key
        for j in range(c):                                  # O(c) make digit tuple
            high, low = divmod(high, n)
    # Sort based on each digit key
    for i in range(c):                                      # O(nc) sort each digit
        for j in range(n):                                  # O(n) assign key i to tuples
            D[j].key = D[j].digits[i]
        counting_sort(D)                                    # O(n) sort on digit i
    for i in range(n):                                      # O(n) output
        A[i] = D[i].item



The Sterling formula can also be used


Critical constant number of fields in tuple, because these are constant, only constant calls to the tuple sort function will need to be called

Originally created on 2022-02-19 Sat 00:00