6.006 Lec 3: Sets and Sorting

Table of Contents

Lecture details:

Note to reader: The 6.006 course is, in fact, based on the Python language. However, due to the fact that the Data Structures course in my university uses Java, all the code snippets here will be written in Java.

The set interface

Our interface is a container, hosting items and associating them with key values. The functions that we want the set implementation to perform are:

  • build(X) Given another structure X, through which we can move (and retrieve data), create a set and fill it with data from X
  • len() Return the size of the set, how many elements are in it.
  • find(k) Search using the key k
  • insert(x) Add the element x 1
  • delete(k) Find the element with key k and then remove it.
  • iter_ord() Return every item in the store, in some order
  • find_min(),find_max() Return the stored item with the smaller and largest key respectively
  • find_next(k),find_prev(k) Given a key k , return the item with the key K that is the immediate next or previous respectively

Understanding and implementing

Now that we have outlined the set interface, let’s check possible implementations

Using an unordered array

This is a generally poorly functioning implementation of the set ADT.

operation Analysis
build(X) n
len() 1
find(k) n
insert(x) n
delete(k) n
findmin/max() n
itrord() n
findnext/prev(k) m

Essentially, what we are doing in this implementation is to allocate space for an array of size n, add elements in it with no particular order and in case of insertion/deletion, as it happens in static arrays, one needs to allocate space n+1 or n-1, and then copy the array, making insertions and deletions too costly.

Using an sorted array

operation analysis
find(k) \(\lg{n}\)

What if we want to have quicker find though? If we do not care about the initial build efficiency but heavily utilize the find(k) function one can use the sorted array implementation.

What changes is that during build(X), the given input is first sorted by key and then stored, in that order, in the static array. That enables us to use binary search to find the desired key reducing the find(k) complexity from \(O(n)\) to \(O(\lg{n})\)


In order to have a sorted array, we need to study which algorithms will give us one:

Basic vocabulary


An algorithm is called destructive when it operates on the input array. More specifically, it destroys the input unsorted array, overwriting it with its sorted version

In place

An algorith is called in place when, being a destructive algorithm, it uses constant extra space in memory (\(O(1)\)).


Permutation sort

Analysis: We have \(\Omega(n!n)\)2

  1. Enumerate perms \(\Omega(n!)\)
  2. Check (for every perm) if the permutation is sorted \(O(n)\)

Selection sort

Analysis: \(O(n^{2})\)

There are two ( obviously, could be more than just 2 ), ways to implement selection sort. A recursive one, useful to perform induction and mathematical analysis, and one, much simpler to implement, using just for loops.

  1. Find the largest item in 1-i
  2. Swap it with the item at the \(i^{th}\) position
  3. Reduce i by one
  4. Go to 1

This is, following the definitions above, an in place algorithm

  • Recursive
    void selectionSort(int[] myArray, int lastItem)
        // Initialize the largestInd to the first entry
        // because it can only be it, or one of the following entries
        int largestInd = 0;
        // Find the largest
        for ( int i = 1; i < lastItem; i++ )
           if ( myArray[i] > myArray[largestInd] )
                largestInd = i;
        // Perform the swap
        int temp = myArray[lastItem];
        myArray[lastItem] = myArray[largestInd];
        myArray[largestInd] = temp;
        // At this point every element after the ith element is sorted
        selectionSort(myArray, lastItem-1)
  • Simple Implementation
    void selectionSort(int[] myArray)
        // Declare it here so that we do not initialize n temporary variables
        int largestInd;
        // Reduce the size of the unsorted array by one with each repetition
        // The unsorted array at any given moment in time is 1-lastItem
        for ( int lastItem = myArray.length; lastItem > 0; lastItem-- )
            // Initialize the largestInd to the first entry
            // because it can only be it, or one of the following entries
            largestInd = 0;
            // Find the largest
            for ( int i = 1; i < lastItem; i++ )
            if ( myArray[i] > myArray[largestInd] )
                    largestInd = i;
            // Perform the swap
            int temp = myArray[lastItem];
            myArray[lastItem] = myArray[largestInd];
            myArray[largestInd] = temp;

Insertion sort

Analysis: \(O(n^{2})\)

Insertion sort is similar to selection sort, with the main difference being that in insertion sort you work from beginning to the end while in selection sort you follow the opposite route.

You start with the first element in the array, because, by definition, an array with a single element is sorted. Then for each element in the array you insert it, swapping every element larger than it.

void insertionSort(int[] myArray)
    // Memory usage optimization
    int temp;
    // Increase the sorted array size by one for each iteration
    for ( int i = 1; i < myArray.length; i++ )
        // For every element in the 1-i subarray
        for ( int l = i; l > 0; l-- )
            // Swap them if in wrong order
            if ( myArray[l] < myArray[l-1] )
                temp = myArray[l];
                myArray[l] = myArray[l-1];
                myArray[l-1] = temp;
                // Because the array is sorted, no need to continue
                // till index 1

Merge sort

Analysis: \(O(n\lg{n})\)

This, last algorithm, is the most efficient one in this lecture. It splits the array in half, recursively, ultimately sorting arrays of length 2, and then gradually merging them together (in \(O(n)\) time) till they reach the starting size of the array

  • Implementation
    static void mergeSort(int[] myArray)
    static void mergeSort(int startIndex, int lastIndex, int[] myArray)
        // Only if there are more than 1 elements can the array be unsorted, otherwise it is
        // by default, sorted
        if ( lastIndex - startIndex > 1 )
            int middleIndex = ( lastIndex + 1 + startIndex ) / 2;
            // Sort the first half of the subarray
            mergeSort(startIndex, middleIndex, myArray);
            // Sort the second half of the subarray
            mergeSort(middleIndex, lastIndex, myArray);
            // Merge sub arrays
            int A[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(myArray,startIndex,middleIndex);
            int B[] = Arrays.copyOfRange(myArray,middleIndex,lastIndex);
            merge(A,B,myArray, startIndex, lastIndex);
    static void merge (int[] firstSubArray, int[] secondSubArray, int[] myArray, int startIndex, int lastIndex)
        int pointA = firstSubArray.length-1;
        int pointB = secondSubArray.length-1;
        int temp = lastIndex;
        while ( pointA >= 0 || pointB >= 0 )
            if ( pointB < 0 || (pointA >= 0 && firstSubArray[pointA] > secondSubArray[pointB] ))
                myArray[--lastIndex] = firstSubArray[pointA--];
                myArray[--lastIndex] = secondSubArray[pointB--];
        printArray(myArray, startIndex, temp);
    static void printArray ( int[] myArray )
        printArray(myArray,0, myArray.length);
    static void printArray ( int[] myArray, int start, int end )
        System.out.printf("Start: %d, End: %d\n", start,end);
        while ( start < end )
            System.out.printf("%d ", myArray[start++]);



It contains the key in it


Nice explanation regarding the reason why \(\Omega\) was chosen

Originally created on 2022-02-17 Thu 00:00