HTB: FlagCasino

Table of Contents


Although this is not the first reveng challenge I have solved in the last month, I noticed many improvements while solving it. It always feels good when you make progress.

I work with radare2, as it was suggested to me as a very good way for a newbie to learn: it may have a steep learning curve, but it allows you to see things in greater depth.

     ,     ,
     __||__    \)
  []/______\[] /
  / \______/ \/
 /    /__\
(\   /____\
[ * CORRECT *]


Through a first look at the disassembled code through graph visual mode VV @ sym.main, we see that only at the very surface is this a program imitating a casino:

  1. In the first part, it produces some output for the end user.
  2. Then we have a while loop that exits if the house balance is 0.
  3. If the house balance is not 0: We are then tasked with providing a bet, and the return code of scanf is tested to see if we can proceed.
  4. If we have properly passed input: The input now gets checked:
    • srand (with a specific seed?)
    • rand
    • Some comparison takes place here, given which we:
      1. Get correct
      2. Get incorrect -> exits
  5. If we get correct, we just go back to step 2 again, but it is strange since the flag is supposed to be given somewhere here.

    • It could very well have something to do with var_4h.

    Now, could it be that the proper input sequence is the flag? -> Yep, this is the case, tested with HTB{.

Understanding the loop

  1. First, we get the last byte of [var_5h], move it with sign extension to eax, and then to edi, to be used as the seed in srand. After that, a random value is generated through rand. We need to validate that [var_5h] remains the same in each iteration, because that would in turn mean that rand ALWAYS returns the same value.
  2. After getting the rand value, we also get the [var_4h] variable into rdx (two-step process).
  3. Then, we get the address of obj.check and compare the value of:
    • rcx (which is [signextended(dword [var_4h])*4]).
    • edx, which is dword [rcx + obj.check].
  4. Compare these two together: If not equal, exit.

    0x5b39eabbe1f5      movzx eax, byte [var_5h]
    0x5b39eabbe1f9      movsx eax, al
    0x5b39eabbe1fc      mov edi, eax
    0x5b39eabbe1fe      call sym.imp.srand      ;[5] ; void srand(int seed)
    0x5b39eabbe203      call sym.imp.rand       ;[6] ; int rand(void)
    0x5b39eabbe208      mov edx, dword [var_4h]
    0x5b39eabbe20b      movsxd rdx, edx
    0x5b39eabbe20e      lea rcx, [rdx*4]
    0x5b39eabbe216      lea rdx, obj.check      ; 0x5b39eabc1080
    0x5b39eabbe21d      mov edx, dword [rcx + rdx]
    0x5b39eabbe220      cmp eax, edx
    0x5b39eabbe222      jne 0x5b39eabbe232

    Nice, so we now need to understand:

    • Where rand() output is used: Its output is saved at eax.
    • What exactly is var_4h: Could be our index, and it makes sense, but at the same point, it does not? A byte increase makes sense for the *4 part, but then why not just have it +4?
    • What exactly is obj.check:
      • obj.check is an array or data structure?

Asm notes

  • movzx move with zero extend.
  • movsx move with sign extend.
  • movsxd move with sign extend to a 64-bit register.

Obj.check hexdump

[0x71025cdd1540]> px @ obj.check
- offset -      8081 8283 8485 8687 8889 8A8B 8C8D 8E8F  0123456789ABCDEF
0x5b39eabc1080  be28 4b24 0578 f70a 17fc 0d11 a1c3 af07  .(K$.x..........


So far, we got to a really nice place with static binary analysis:

  • We know that the input is the flag, the flag will not be returned in any other way by the executable
  • We know that srand is called along with var4h

    Not going to lie, I thought of going for debugging instead of decompiling, but

    1. I did not want to waste time atm figuring how debugging works in r2
    2. GDB for some reason failed to insert breakpoints

    So…decompiling, and not even done properly, but I need practice here

First things first, we see that: There are a lot of strange assignments, like:

*(*0x20 + -0x18) = 0x56c847aba199;

How does it even dereference 0x20… How is it set?

I started removing these, whilst also making a point of seeing the instruction at that address. At the end I was left with pretty readable code, except for the user input: I could not exactly see how it gets transformed to be used by srand(). Turns out, even though I modified the code so that it more closely resembles C: I do not have the location of the check object so… it does not really work that way.

int main(void) {
  int loopIndex;
  unsigned int userInput;

  // First step
  puts("[ ** WELCOME TO ROBO CASINO **]"); // obj.banner
  puts("     ,     ,\n    (\\____/)\n     (_oo_)\n       (O)\n     __||__    "
       "\\)\n  []/______\\[] /\n  / \\______/ \\/\n /    /__\\\n(\\   "
  puts("[*** PLEASE PLACE YOUR BETS ***]");

  loopIndex = 0;
  // Second step
  while (1) {
    // House balance check
    if (29 < loopIndex) { // Length is 30
      puts("[ ** HOUSE BALANCE $0 - PLEASE COME BACK LATER ** ]");
      return 0;
    // Step 3
    printf("> "); // Prompt
    if ( scanf("%c", &userInput) != 1)
    srand(userInput); // pending some transformation
    if (rand() != *(loopIndex * 4 + obj.check)) {
      puts("[ * INCORRECT * ]");
    puts("[ * CORRECT *]");
    loopIndex = loopIndex + 1;

Implementing the payload

Now, simply following the decompiled code we see that any character we entered is fed into srand() as a seed, and then the first rand() with that seed is checked to be equal to the object at address: loopIndex*4 + obj.check

This means that each printable character has the same address to be checked against: If we compute this association once, and store it in a dictionary we can retrieve the results without extra computations for each index. Thus, the payload can easily be produced:

from pwn import *
from ctypes import CDLL 

# shoutout to ckrielle for mentioning this trick at the last HtB meetup
libc = CDLL("libc.so.6")
zino = ELF("./casino")

# Create the dictionary, printable characters are from 40 to 177, see ~man ascii~
dic = {}
for i in range(40,177):
    dic[ libc.rand() ] = chr(i)

# Now loop get the actual characters
answ = ""
objCheck = zino.sym.check # obj.check address
for i in range(30): # we know that the flag is 30 characters long, >0x1d
    answ += dic[ zino.u32( 4 * i + objCheck )]


  1. Start by looking at the disassembly. Visual graph mode helps a lot in understanding the flow of the program.
  2. Do not overlook loop control variables: I did this and, as a result, I got stuck (notice that I had not included the step increase in loopIndex in the disassembly snippet I focused on).
  3. After decompilation, take your time: Use a plain buffer and analyze step by step how it differs from what you have already understood through assembly.
  4. If you encounter strange memory assignments added by Ghidra (or any decompiler, for that matter), check the addresses they point to. If they reference another command, it is highly likely they do absolutely nothing.
  5. More variables than those that actually exist may appear in the decompiled snippet. This could be due to name dependencies being handled through register renaming. In any case, variables might need to be merged or discarded.

Today was a rest day after an exam. I won’t have much time to polish something to publish for a while, so…

Skeletor, until we meet again

Figure 1: Until we meet again

Originally created on 2025-01-31 Fri 00:00