Starting again

In my previous attempts to host my personal website the problem was obvious; I focused too much on properly defining what my blog should be about that it took the whole fun of writing out of it. I decided to avoid making the same mistake again, which translates into more writing, less tinkering with the website1.

I will write on a plethora of subjects, books and ideas that I believe are worth putting out so that they are improved.

Since I have not decided on a topic for an article yet, there are too many I’m after and, to be frank, many that I’m afraid I won’t do justice to, I have decided to use the first article in my website to thank two people I have never met but to whom I attribute this new try on a personal blog.

I would really like to thank Nicolas P. Rougier, for he is the creator of the css theme that I have used in this website2. I first saw it almost a year ago when I first started reading on Getting Things Done and I don’t think I have ever found a styling sheet that I like so much.

With that said, I feel it is not right not to mention his open-source work and thank him for inspiring me to always try to do more. (It still happens, every time I check his github profile)

Also, special thanks go to David Wilson, for his excellent videos on Emacs, helping me gain the most out of Emacs after being a vim user for more than 5 years. It was through his videos, that I discovered how deep one could dive into emacs and, more important to me, Org Mode configuration, allowing me to publish my own website, without (relatively) much hassle.



6 months later and I did exactly what I said I’d avoid.


The css file is available under CC BY 4.0 at rougier/emacs-gtd

Originally created on 2022-02-17 Thu 00:00